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BayWISS-Kolleg Mobility and Transport www.baywiss.de

Mitgliedshochschule Deggendorf Institute of Technology

© TH Deggendorf / TH Deggendorf'


The Deggendorf Institute of Technology (THD) offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in the fields of civil and environmental engineering, natural sciences, electrical engineering and computer science, mechanical engineering, media as well as health and economics at the locations Deggendorf (main campus), Pfarrkirchen (European Campus Rottal-Inn/ECRI) as well as Cham (Technology Campus Cham). Three focal points characterise the TH Deggendorf: practice-oriented teaching, research, and development in future technologies as well as on-the-job further training. All degree courses are accredited and fulfil national and international standards. The THD places particular emphasis on its service facilities: Students receive comprehensive support: For instance, the International Office supports with the organisation of a semester abroad at one of the more than 180 partner universities. The career service maintains contacts with numerous companies. The language centre enables students to brush up on their English skills or learn new languages such as Chinese, Russian, or Portuguese. The attractive campus of the THD is located close to the lively city centre of Deggendorf with cafés, restaurants, and shopping facilities. Nestled between the Danube and the Bavarian Forest, the immediate vicinity offers numerous sports and leisure activities and is conveniently connected by public transport. For prospective students, the TH Deggendorf provides various opportunities to get to know the university, for example on the Open Day.


Prof. Waldemar Berg

Prof. Waldemar Berg

The university is a member of the following BayWISS Joint Academic Partnerships:

Mobility and Transport


Economics and Business

Production Technology



Life Sciences and Green Technologies

Resource Efficiency and Materials


Currently 1 professor of Deggendorf Institute of Technology is active members in our Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transport.

Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h.c. Johannes Klühspies

Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Doctoral Candidates


Zentrale Stellen, Service und Beratung

Promotionsberatung für Studierende und Absolvent*innen an der Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Dr. Kristin Seffer

Telephone: 0991/3615-460


Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1
94469 Deggendorf

Academic Life Long Learning

Zentrum für Akademische Weiterbildung

Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Das Zentrum für Akademische Weiterbildung der Technischen Hochschule Deggendorf bietet Weiterbildungen neben dem Beruf in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Technik und Gesundheit.

Wer bereit ist, sein Wissen laufend auf den aktuellen Stand zu bringen und sich neue Kenntnisse anzueignen, wird auf Dauer in der Arbeitswelt gefragt sein und kann sich dadurch vielleicht auch berufliche Träume erfüllen.

Wir stehen bereit für hochwertige akademische Bildung, die direkt in die Praxis umsetzbar ist. Auf Sie warten praxiserfahrene Dozenten, ein auf Berufstätige zugeschnittener Service und unsere Erfahrung von über 15 Jahren in der beruflichen Weiterbildung.

Corina Welsch, M.A.

Telephone: +49 991 3615 748

Press and Communications


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transportation.

Dr. Monika Kolpatzik

Dr. Monika Kolpatzik

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone: +49 841 93481560

Marina Schleicher

Marina Schleicher

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone: +49 841 93483539