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BayWISS-Kolleg Mobility and Transport www.baywiss.de

PhD-Projects in the Joint Academic Partnership Mobilität und Verkehr

Enabling Teleoperated Driving in Everyday Traffic Scenarios

With an increasing number of autonomous features, drivers might be dispensable. But there might be situations, in which the software and hardware of autonomous systems is not able to find an appropriate solution (e.g. an applicable driving path) itself. In such a case, if there is no suitable driver inside, the vehicle might just get stuck in a safe-mode, where it can not proceed with executing the driving task.

Teleoperated Driving can help to solve such problematic situations. Teleoperated Driving means, controlling a vehicle by an human whenever it is required. To make use of Teleoperated Driving it is mandatory that there is a reliable connection between the remote operator and the vehicle. To prevent high investment costs regarding the infrastructure, a widely deployed technology, the cellular network, has to be used.

Unfortunately, cellular networks face potential obstacles for utilizing Teleoperated Driving. These obstacles are variable network coverage, high and variable latency as well as low and variable bandwidth. Within this research, we want to address the potential obstacles of the cellular network and provide solutions to safely enable Teleoperated Driving in everyday traffic scenarios.



Neumeier Stefan, Corbett Christopher and Facchi Christian, 04/2021 “A Secure and Privacy Preserving System Design for Teleoperated Driving”. In: Advances in Information and Communication. Vancouver, Canada: Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-12388-8.

Neumeier, S., Stapf, S., Facchi, Ch., 10/2020, The Visual Quality of Teleoperated Driving Scenarios How good is good enough? ISNCC 2020: International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications 2020.Montreal, Canada, DOI: 10.1109/ISNCC49221.2020.9297343.


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Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transport

Supervisor Technical University of Munich:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Ott

Chair of Connected Mobility, Technische Universität München


  • Mobiles Internet und mobile Dienste
  • Mobilitätsmodellierung
  • Mobilitätsdienste und Empfehlungsssyteme  

Mehr erfahren Sie auf der Seite des Lehrstuhls

Enabling Teleoperated Driving in Everyday Traffic Scenarios

Supervisor Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt:

Prof. Dr. Christian Facchi


  • SW-Testmethoden
  • Car2X-Kommunikation
  • Industrie 4.0

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi

Enabling Teleoperated Driving in Everyday Traffic Scenarios

Dr. Stefan Neumeier

Stefan Neumeier

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Stefan Neumeier promoviert an der Technischen Universität München und der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt im Bereich Fahrzeugsicherheit. In seiner Doktorarbeit untersucht er Teleoperiertes Fahren, also das Kontrollieren eines Fahrzeugs aus der Ferne mittels Mobilfunknetz. Von Seiten der TH Ingolstadt wird seine Dissertation von Prof. Dr. Christian Facchi, Professor für Software Engineering, Verteilte Anwendungen und Ingenieurmathematik im Forschungszentrum CARISSMA, betreut. An der TU München ist der Betreuer Prof. Dr. Jörg Ott, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Connected Mobility an der Fakultät Informatik


Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transportation.

Dr. Monika Kolpatzik

Dr. Monika Kolpatzik

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone: +49 841 93481560
mobilitaet-verkehr.vk [ at ] baywiss.de

Marina Schleicher

Marina Schleicher

Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt

Telephone: +49 841 93483539
mobilitaet-verkehr.vk [ at ] baywiss.de