We look forward to new members!
We would like to expand and sustainably develop our Joint Academic Partnership.
All interested academics, doctoral candidates and students at the Universities of Applied Sciences and Universities in Bavaria interested in a cooperation and/or doctorate in the area of mobility and transport, are very welcome to contact our coordinators.
Our Joint Academic Partnership
The Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transport was founded in December 2016 under the umbrella of the Bavarian Academic Forum – BayWISS. With the aim of promoting early careers researchers, especially at universities of applied sciences, the BayWISS Joint Academic Partnership offers outstanding graduates a structured, transparent and predictable path towards a doctorate. We ensure academic quality and provide researchers from the relevant fields with an important platform to exchange and implement innovative ideas.
*If there is a thematic fit, any Bavarian university management can informally apply for a university membership, provided that ideas or partners for cooperation projects are available. A contact partner must be named in the application.
Get in touch. We look forward to your questions and ideas for our Joint Academic Partnership Mobility and Transportation.
Dr. Monika Kolpatzik
Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt
Marina Schleicher
Koordinatorin BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Mobilität & Verkehr
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Doctoral School
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt